6/26/2008 - Cameron Kaseberg — Sherman County Historical Museum

6/26/2008 - Cameron Kaseberg

Growing up in Sherman County, Kaseberg was involved in the creative world, with crayons, finger-painting, stitchery and his first camera, which developed to a life-long fascination with art, photography, digital imagery and design.
Encouragement and education from artist and instructor Shirley Fritts at Sherman Union High School was a launching platform that led to a job at Mel O's Camera Shop in The Dalles copying old photographs in the darkroom and a photography class with his dad as a teenager. He went on to photography and printmaking classes at the University of Minnesota and a stint as staff photographer at Lewis and Clark College. It was at Portland State University where he discovered a new creative experience, the solvent transfer process, combining his background in photographic imagery with his desire for artistic expression. 

The solvent transfer process uses a variety of solvents to loosen ink from printed pages from magazines, photocopies and inkjet prints. Using images captured by his own camera, as well as those collected in print matter, his current work continues exploration of the transfer process. The images are combined to create both complex and simple works, always with reason, whether a personal statement, exploration of the medium, or simply a record of thought and feeling. His solvent transfer work as well as photographic, graphic and web design work may be seen at www.kaseberg.com.

A Bachelor of Science degree in Graphic Design/Applied Design at Portland State University led to work in the museum exhibit and tradeshow industry. Between 1992 and 2002, Kaseberg designed the Museum's three interpretive exhibits, Oregon Trails, Rails and Roads in Sherman CountyWheat Through The Ages, and Cultivation, Conservation and Clothespins, and in 2008 designed the Museum's new logo and signs.
